California Security Guard Registration Information (Guard Card)
- Overview
- Three (3) Steps to Earning Your California Guard Card
- Guard Training Timelines
- Requirements to Become an Unarmed Security Guard
- Requirements to Become an Armed Security Guard
- BSIS Security Guard Firearms Permit Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16pf) Requirement
- Convictions
All professional security guards that work in the state of California must be licensed and registered with the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS). To be properly licensed, the security guard must complete a standard course in the powers of arrest, weapons of mass destruction/terrorism awareness, public relations, observation and documentation, communication and its significance, liability/legal aspects and other elective courses that vary depending upon the training facility.
The BSIS requires an entire 40-hours of training. However, the training may be completed in three (3) parts. The training is split into parts to allow the guard to start working quickly, while still maintaining some of the highest standards in the industry.
The applicant is allowed to start working after successfully completing the first 8-hours of training (called the "Powers to Arrest" course), passing a written exam, passing a fingerprint/background check and submitting the BSIS application with appropriate fees.
The certificates of completion for the remaining 32-hours of training (Parts 2 and 3) are not sent to the BSIS. They are copied and logged by the employer in the permanent employee records. During an audit, the employer must present the BSIS with proof of complete 40-hours of training for every security guard employed or face severe fines for every guard who has not completed the required training.
The applicant may not start working as a security guard until he or she receives the security guard registration card in the mail, or the security guard registration number appears on the BSIS website. Most employers will not even interview a prospective employee unless he or she already holds at least the guard card.
California allows unarmed guard card training to be completed online. Permit for Exposed Firearm and Baton Permit courses must be taught in a classroom setting (instructor-led) with practical exercises.
The guard card is valid for 2 years. The optional exposed firearms permit is valid for 2 years. The optional baton permit is valid so long as the guard card is valid. The optional chemical agents (pepper spray) card is valid so long as the guard card is valid.
An 8-hours refesher course is required every year.
- NOTE: The actual license is issued by the State of California BSIS, not the trainer.
Video: California BSIS Guard Card Final Examination Review
California BSIS Guard Card Final Examination Review. This video provides 64 review questions and answers for the California guard card test: BSIS Power to Arrest.
Three (3) Steps to Earning Your California BSIS Guard Card
Step 1: Complete Mandatory Training
Complete the training course: Either the pre-assignment 8-hours "Power to Arrest" course or the complete 40-hours package.
Step 2: Complete the application forms and pay the BSIS fees
The application can be submitted by mail or online. The mail-in forms will be provided once the course is successfully completed. The mail-in forms include all of the information to complete the online forms.
Online Application Form.Step 3: Live Scan Fingerprints and Background Checks
Locate a local Live Scan Operator. Take the provided Live Scan forms to the operator and complete the digital fingerprinting process. The Live Scan Operator will collect the FBI and DOJ fees, plus a "rolling" service fee.

Guard Training Timelines
You may stand post after an eight-hour course and receiving your Guard Card from the State of California. Afterwards, you have 30-days to complete your first sixteen hours of training and then another six months to complete the remaining sixteen hours (for a total of forty hours of training). You may elect to take all forty-hours of Security Guard Card training at one time.
Requirements for Unarmed Security Guard Registration
Security guards are employed by licensed private patrol operators or private security employers to protect persons or property or prevent theft as defined in Business and Professions Code (BPC) Section 7582.1. To be eligible to apply for a security guard registration through the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS or Bureau), you must:
- Be at least 18 years old (BPC Section 7582.8)
- Undergo a criminal history background check through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (BPC Sections 7581 and 7583.9) and
- Complete the Power to Arrest training
(PoA and WMD, a.k.a. Part 1).
Requirements for Armed Security Guard Registration
To earn the optional exposed firearms permit, you must:
- Hold a Guard Card.
- Complete a 14-hour course (8 hours classroom, 6 hours range) in the carrying and use of firearms given by a Bureau-certified firearms training instructor at a Bureau certified training facility.
- Pass the written and practical range exams given at the end of the course.
- Pass the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16pf) Assessment.
- Be a United States citizen or have permanent legal alien status; and
- Submit a firearm permit application, pay the application fee, and submit a "Security Guard with Firearm" Live Scan form signed by the Live Scan site operator.
- NOTE: A Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit does not qualify a security guard to carry armed.
BSIS Security Guard Firearms Permit Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16pf) Requirement
The BSIS has contracted with PSI Services LLC (PSI) to administer the assessment required for a BSIS security guard registrant seeking an initial BSIS firearms permit on or after July 1, 2018. Specifically, Business and Professions Code (BPC) Section 7583.23 requires that the security guard complete the assessment, specified in BPC Section 7583.47, for the purposes of determining whether he/she possesses, at the time of the assessment, appropriate judgement, restraint, and self-control to carry a firearm while on duty. PSI is an industry leader in administering licensing, credentialing and public safety tests and has 23 locations throughout California where the assessment will be offered.
The assessment that will be administered is the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16pf), which is a personality test widely used in various settings including employers of protective services personnel (e.g., police officers, firefighters and security guards), with scoring standards designed for the attributes specified in BPC Section 7583.47: appropriate judgment, restraint and self-control.
Given that other BSIS license types (e.g., private investigator license, private patrol operator license, alarm company operator license, etc.) can be associated with a BSIS firearms permit, in addition to a security guard applying for an initial firearms permit, under certain circumstances an individual seeking to associate a firearms permit to a security guard registration will need to complete/pass the assessment as a condition for the association.
The fee to take the assessment is $60.00 and will need to be paid as part of the assessment appointment scheduling process.
We receive many questions from potential students who have convictions who want to work as security guards. We cannot offer legal advice and cannot guarantee that the BSIS will issue a Security Guard Registration Card. We have been informed that the BSIS will not discuss specific cases prior to receiving a formal guard application and all fees have been paid. This requires that at least the 8-hour "Power to Arrest" course be completed, plus a Live Scan and Application fees. Therefore, the estimated costs to determine if the person with a conviction is even eligible to work as a security guard is approximately $143.
All applicants with convictions will have their applications sent to the Disciplinary Review Committee. This may add up to 120 days of processing time to the application.
From the Application For Security Guard Registration:
Be sure to answer all questions on the application completely and truthfully. Any omission or false statement on the application may constitute grounds for denial or subsequent revocation of the registration.
A registration may be denied to any person who makes a false statement or who has been convicted of any crime or act substantially related to the functions or duties of a security guard. However, the Bureau will consider evidence of rehabilitation.
Question 7 on the Application for Security Guard Registration asks:
7.a Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to ANY criminal or civil offense in the United States, it’s territories, or a foreign country? This includes every citation, infraction, misdemeanor and/or felony. Convictions that were adjudicated in the juvenile court or convictions under California Health and Safety Code sections 11357(b), (c), (d), (e) or section 11360(b) which are two years or older, as well as criminal charges dismissed under section 1000.3 of the Penal Code or equivalent non-California laws, should NOT be reported. Convictions that were later dismissed pursuant to sections 1203.4, 1203.4a, or 1203.41 of the California Penal Code or equivalent non-California law MUST be disclosed. YES/NO
7.b Is any criminal action pending against you, or are you currently awaiting judgment and sentencing following entry of a plea or jury verdict? YES/NO
More information can be found here:
Frequently Asked Questions - Informal Review before the Disciplinary Review Committee (DRC)
Firearms Permit Convictions
Felons, Prohibited Misdemeanors, and Domestic Violence Prohibitions
Firearm permits are not issued by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) to a person who has been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor that prohibits the person from carrying or possessing a firearm.
Specifically, the Bureau SHALL NOT issue a firearm permit to: A convicted felon (Business and Professions Code Section 7583.23(d); Penal Code Sections 12021 and 12021.1); to a person convicted of a misdemeanor who is prohibited from possession of a firearm for a period of 10 years (Penal Code Section 12021(c)(1)); nor to an individual with a history of domestic violence or who is subject to a Temporary Restraining Order (a TRO) - (Penal Code Section 12028.5)
Students may also be denied a firearm permit if they have been convicted of a crime of violence, such as assault, battery, assault with a deadly weapon, or a weapons violations, such as brandishing a weapon, illegal possession of and/or discharge of a weapon or carrying a concealed weapon without a concealed weapon permit.

Information provided on this site is for educational purposes. It is not legal advice.