Florida Security Guard License Information (Guard Card)
- Requirements to Become a Security Guard, Class "D"
- Security Guard License (Unarmed Security Officer)
- Firearms Permits, Class "G" (Armed Security Officer)
- Renewal and Continuing Education Requirements
- Fingerprinting/Background Check
- Disqualifications

Requirements to Become a Security Guard, Class "D"
The applicant must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Be a citizen or legal resident alien of the United States or have been granted authority to work in this country by the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
- Must provide current RESIDENCE address. A P.O. Box is not considered a residence.
Security Guard License, Class "D" (Unarmed Security Officer)
Any individual who performs the services of a security officer must have a Class "D" license.
You must submit proof of successful completion of a minimum of 42 hours of professional training provided by a security officer school or training facility licensed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
A Class "D" licensee must own or work for a Class "B" Security Agency or Class "BB" or "AB" Branch Office.
You may begin work as unarmed security officer upon submission of your complete application. If your application is deemed incomplete, a Notice of Errors or Omissions will be sent to you and to your employer. Your employment must be terminated until the problems outlined in the letter are resolved.
- NOTE: The actual license is issued by the State of Florida, not the trainer.
Firearms Permits, Class "G" (Armed Security Officer)
To carry a firearm in the performance of security duties, a security officer or security agency manager must obtain a Class "G" Statewide Firearm License.
In addition to any other firearm approved by FDACS, a licensee who has been issued a Class "G" license may carry a .38 caliber revolver, a .380 caliber semiautomatic pistol, a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, a .357 caliber revolver (with .38 caliber ammunition only), a .40 caliber handgun or a .45 ACP handgun while performing duties authorized under Chapter 493, F.S
A licensee may only carry a firearm of the specific type and caliber with which they are qualified pursuant to the firearms training.
- NOTE: A Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit does not qualify a security guard to carry armed.
Renewal and Continuing Education Requirements
Approximately 95 days prior to the expiration date of your license, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will mail you a renewal application form with complete instructions on how to renew your license.
Each licensee is responsible for renewing his or her license on or before its expiration by filing with the department an application for renewal accompanied by payment of the renewal fee and the fingerprint retention fee to cover the cost of ongoing retention in the statewide automated biometric identification system.
Each Class "G" (Armed Security Officer) licensee shall additionally submit proof that he or she has received during each year of the license period a minimum of 4 hours of firearms requalification training.
Fingerprinting/Background Check
The law requires every applicant for a private investigative, security or recovery license to submit a complete set of legible fingerprints. However, applicants now have the option of submitting their fingerprints electronically.
- If you have ever been court-martialed, fined, or disciplined under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) or service regulations, you must provide a complete and accurate account of this matter on a separate sheet of paper and provide copies of all official military documents related to the incident(s).
- have been convicted of a felony in any state or of a crime against the United States, which is designated as a felony, or convicted of an offense in any other state, territory, or country punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, unless and until Civil Rights have been restored and a period of 10 years has passed since final release from supervision [s.493.6118 (4), F. S.]. Proof of restoration of Civil Rights must be submitted with the application.
- are currently serving a suspended sentence on a felony charge or on probation for a felony charge [s.493.6118(4), F. S.].
- have a history of being arrested for crimes of violence and/or found guilty of (or had adjudication withheld for) directly related crimes. This includes, but is not limited to: Trespassing, Breaking and Entering, Burglary, Robbery, Forgery, Criminal Mischief or Theft, Assault, Battery, Stalking, Aggravated Battery, Aggravated Assault, Sexual Battery, Kidnapping, Armed Robbery, Murder, Aggravated Stalking, Resisting an Officer with Violence [Section 493.6118(1)(c), Section 493.6118(1)(j), Section 493.6118(3), F.S.].
- have demonstrated a lack of respect for the laws of this state and the nation [Section 493.6118(3), F.S.].
- have an outstanding bench warrant or capias [Section 493.6118(3), F.S.].
- are currently in a Pre-Trial Intervention or Deferred Prosecution Program [Section 493.6118(3), F.S.].
- If you have ever been adjudicated incapacitated (determined by the court to be incapable of taking care of yourself), you must provide a copy of the court document restoring your capacity.
- If you have ever been involuntarily placed in a treatment facility for the mentally ill under Chapter 394, F. S., or similar laws of another state, you must provide a copy of the court document restoring your competency.
- If you have ever been diagnosed with a mental illness, you must provide a statement from a psychologist or psychiatrist licensed in Florida attesting that you are not currently suffering from a mental illness that precludes you from performing the duties of an unarmed security officer.
- If you are currently abusing a controlled substance, you are not eligible for licensure.
- If you have a history of controlled substance abuse, you must provide evidence of successful completion of a substance abuse rehabilitation program and three letters of reference, one of which should be from your sponsor in the program.
- If you have a history of alcohol abuse, you must provide evidence of successful completion of an alcohol.
Information provided on this site is for educational purposes. It is not legal advice.